Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Week Three...Worries

Today we got our essay question on Jack Davis, which was slightly concerning as it is due Friday. Although i was a bit stressed about doing it at first...i totally agree with Ms Mace and how the only way to get motivated is to just start it as soon possible. I have recognised this through my own experiences aswell in essay writing and the hardest part really is getting on a roll.

However, after starting the essay tonight i realised that i need alot more in depth class discussions on both Honey Spot and Dreamers so i can become more familiar with each. I noticed this when i was continously reffering to the book. I would very much like to be able to know the plays inside out so when it comes down to our major assignments on Jack Davis it would be a lot easier to write about. The other thing i noticed was that both plays actually present a lot of ideas and it is a little daunting to think about how much we will be taking in. As Ms Mace said today
"we haven't even touched the tip of the iceberg/mountain that we will be covering". -That is a scary thought as i got a little overwhelmed when it's put like that. But I do know that if I focus and manage to stay on track it will all work out.

I am really looking forward the year 12 production next term!! I hope that Ms Mace chooses a play soon(hint, hint,) because i am very eager to tell people what we will be performing for them. I would really love to have a fairly main role in the production too, i just thought i would mention that.

Okay i'm off to write some more of my essay


1 comment:

Ally said...

as if you get comments from ms mace!

i guess that's a hint to everyone else to write more like you.