Friday, February 23, 2007


This week has really reminded me of what Drama was like last year... full of impro and hilarious class discussions. It was really nice to have a less stressful week as i was begining to feel a bit anxious , as expressed in my last blog entry.

Aside from the more enjoyable lessons i am also relieved that we have chosen a play for the year 12 production with such enourmous potential. I am so looking forward to working together as a group to produce an impactful and impressive piece of 'Mirror, Mirror'.
I really hope that i have to the opportunity to be more involved in the play this year, than i was last year. However, i trust that Ms Mace will make good decisions whilst casting and try to make the roles as equal as possible keeping in mind how she thinks we will handle it.

I also look forward to SACE Drama day this Tuesday i think it will be quite beneficial towards the skills we should be developing throughout Drama this year.

Ok im off to fill out my excursion form hehe


1 comment:

jayan Mace said...

I am glad to read that you were enjoying it again. That is a great benifit of Drama at yr 12, although it can be as stressful as other subjects there is also a lot of down time,where you are working but in a more relaxed atmoshpere. you might want to remind my that I wrote that a few weeks before our production. ARRAHHHARHHEHGGGHHHRRRGH