Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Week Six... Expression!

This week was extremely ispirational it really showed me the potential and talented people we have amongst our group!

I really feel that working with music helps me to come up with better ideas when experimenting with physical theatre. When our group put our ideas to music we were able to express ourselves much more elaborately and the piece tied together but in an alternate way to how we first imagined it.

This proves that in our group production we will really need to communicate with each other and also be confortable enough to work physically with one another and work towards doing this without the music ,so we can portray our ideas to the audience not just through dialouge but especially through physicality and expressionism.

I think the play Mirror, Mirror is going to be extemely deep and make a huge impact on the audience if we all stay focused and put as much energy into it as we have been with physical activities. The theme of anorexia has the potential to move a lot of audience members and give them a better understanding of how an anorexic mind works, as well as us.
I am so relieved that Ms Mace thinks this also and it was so moving to see her reactions to our presentations on Friday.


1 comment:

jayan Mace said...

Adele you have been keeping up with your blogging well. Continue to add as much detail as you can especially when it comes to terminology as you will forget in 15 weeks when it comes to writing your report.
Thank you for your thoughts.
I really was inspired by you all. It made me smile (and maybe get a little teary, I just love talent and when people just get it but more then that they just do it). :)
I hope you had a lovely birthday weekend.
Ms Mace